North London Actors

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At North London Actors we have established a creative, productive and welcoming base for actors, writers and directors. We present a wide range of interesting plays, which we perform as semi-staged rehearsed readings in front of an audience. The plays are rehearsed on the afternoon of the preceding Sunday, with a brief 'top up' session before the performance. Notwithstanding the short rehearsal time, we strive for the highest professional standards in all our work.

Connected mandy members:

2017, The Piranha Countdown, Paul
The Park Theatre
2017, The Dover Road, Anne
Park Theatre
Nathan Cross
2017, Silver Nitrate, Pablo
Park Theatre
Richard Ward
2017, Scenes of Death, Sex and Madness, Jeffrey
Morris Space, Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, London N4 3JP
Nathan Cross
2017, Over The Eight, William Brand
Park Theatre
Tania Foley
2017, Hindle Wakes, Fanny
Park Theatre
Nathan Cross
2017, Body Talk, Shane
Park Theatre
Richard Ward
2017, A Very British Exit, Henry
Morris Space, Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, London N4 3JP
Richard Ward
2017, A Mad World, My Masters, Dr. O'Flaherty
Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London N4 3JP
2016, Sly Fox, Lawyer Craven
Park Theatre, Finsbury Park
2016, Sly Fox, Servany and Policeman
Richard Ward
2016, Sly Fox, Judge Bastardson
Morris Space, Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London N4 3JP
2016, Hindle Wakes, Mr Hawthorn
Park Theatre
Nathan Cross
2016, False Alarm, Seth
Park Theatre
Richard Ward
2016, Don't Look Too Deep, Tom Richards
Morris Space, Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London N4 3JP
2015, Verdict, Hellen Rollander
The Marylebone Theatre
Charmaine Wohlmann
Actor, Singer
2015, Three Hours after marriage, Actress
41 Pall Mall
2015, The Project, Anna
Richard Ward
2015, The Post Office, Doctor
Oak & Pastor, 86 Junction Road, London N19 5QZ
Richard Ward
2015, Our Boys, Poddles
Regents Park University

North London Actors Jobs

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