North One Television

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North One has built its reputation on innovative and high-end live sport productions such as Italian Football and NBA on Channel 4 and ITV; Rugby Special and Six Nations on the BBC and UKTV; Formula One on ITV and World Rally Championships as a global host broadcaster, but also for Channel 4, ITV, and now Dave.

Known TV Show involvement

Connected mandy members:

Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1998, Rugby Special, Production Accountant
Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1998, No Ball Games, Senior Production Accountant
Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1998, NBA Basketball, Senior Production Accountant
Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1998, Kick, Production Accountant
Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1998, BBC Bowls, Production Accountant
Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1998, Arsenal Football Club - Jumbotron, Production Accountant
Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1998, African Nations Cup, Production Accountant
Giulia Cattini Moorcraft
Production Accountant
1997, ITV Sports Awards, Production Accountant

North One Television Jobs

For details of known North One Television vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Chrysalis TV/North One TV, North One, North One Media, North One Productions, North One Television, North One TV