Off The Kerb

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Off The Kerb. If you are interested in working with Off The Kerb or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Off The Kerb Productions aim to bring you the best in comedy and entertainment. In short, we’re serious about comedy.

We have over 30 years’ experience in the business and our internationally renowned artists have won numerous prestigious awards ranging from the British Comedy Award to the coveted if.comedy Award (previously the Perrier Award). has been brought to you in association with Universal Pictures, the number one home for comedy video.

Connected mandy members:

Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2018, Michael Mcintyre World tour, Tour Manager/ Stage Manager.
Ticketpro Dome Johannesburg
Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2018, Michael Mcintyre World tour, Tour Manager/ Stage Manager.
Grand Arena, Cape Town.
Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2018, Kevin Bridges UK tour., Tour Manager. Stage Manager.
U.K. theatre and Arena tour
Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2018, John Richardson Old Man Tour, Tour Manager / Stage Manager.
U.K. Tour
Emma Sanders
Deputy Stage Manager
2018, Joel Dommet UK Tour, Follow Spot Operator
The Sands Centre
Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2017, Michael McIntyre world tour, Tour Manager / Stage Manager.
Hong Kong and Singapore.
Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2017, John Richardson Old Man Tour, Tour Manager/ Stage Manager
U.K. Tour
Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2016, Romesh Ranganathan uk tour, Tour Manager./ Stage Manager
U.K. theatre tour
Grazio Abela
Tour Manager
2016, Adam Hills uk tour, Tour Manager./ Stage Manager.
U.K. theatre tour
Kelly Selvester
Stage Manager
2015, Jack Dee's Helpdesk, Lighting Operator
Hertford Theatre
Barbra Egervary
Production Manager
2012, Michael McIntyre, Alan Carr, Kevin Bridges, Lee Evans, Set Carpenter
Arena Tours
Suzie Foster
Company Stage Manager
2007, Rich Hall's Best Western, DSM
Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh Festival

Off The Kerb Jobs

For details of known Off The Kerb vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Off the Kerb Productions, Off The Kerb/Open Mike/Little Mo