
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Omnibus. If you are interested in working with Omnibus or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Omnibus believes that the people of Lambeth deserve to have the very best of the arts, at reasonable prices and on their doorstep. Their ambition is to provide a fantastic experience that is affordable and attractive to all the community: an arts centre for everyone.

Connected mandy members:

Sam McCarthy-Robinson
Stage Manager
2016, Festive Light Ride, ASM
2016, Beyond the Blue, Teddy
2016, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Demetrius/Bottom
Clapham Common
Scott Le Crass
2015, The Castle Inn, Director
Robin Milton
AD (3rd)
2015, Omnibus Theatre, Duty Manager
Catrin Powell
2015, Omnibus, Casual Technician
2015, New Writing, Sister
Clapham Old Town
mel beadel
Production Manager
2015, Micro Festival ( mental health, Climate change, Gender equality ), Associate producer
Omnibus clapham
Beatrice Galloway
Production Manager
2015, Lambeth Cycle Tour, ASM/Runner
Scott Le Crass
2015, A Better Man, Director
Royce Cronin
2014, The Glasshouse, James
Omnibus, Clapham
mel beadel
Production Manager
2014, Literary festival, Associate producer
Omnibus clapham
mel beadel
Production Manager
2014, Launch of Clapham Old town, Associate producer
Omnibus clapham

Omnibus Jobs

For details of known Omnibus vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information