One World films

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with One World films. If you are interested in working with One World films or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

One World Films is a production company set up by Alexander Finbow in the mid 90's.

We produce movies, commercials, corporate movies, virals, shorts, and internet specific programing.

Currently One World Films is branching into comic publishing with a new project that combines traditional comic storytelling with techniques used in film and animation.

Connected mandy members:

Luke Maskell
2019, Monet Perfume TVC, Lead
Daphne Lewis
Production Co-ordinator
Kayla Saunders
Script Supervisor
2019, Grand Home Furnishings, Production Coordinator
Katie Williamson
2016, One World Productions, Producer
2016, Holy Cross Hospital, Physical Therapist/Nurse
2012, The Agency, Lead
Tim Major
1999, 24 Hours In London, Officer Roberts

One World films Jobs

For details of known One World films vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

one world productions