Original Shakespeare Company

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Original Shakespeare Company. If you are interested in working with Original Shakespeare Company or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Patrick Tucker's company that performed Shakespeare using cue scripts.

Connected mandy members:

Simon Purse
2001, King John, Peter
Shakespeare's Globe
2001, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Oberon
Emma Bown
2000, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet
2000, Romeo & Juliet, Tybalt
Jerash Festival, Jordan
Emma Bown
2000, Hamlet, Ophelia
2000, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hermia
Elmbridge Arts Festival
1999, Cymbeline, Iachimo
Shakespeare's Globe
1998, Twelfth Night, Viola
Oxford University
1998, Twelfe Night, Malvolio
Jerash Festival, Jordan
1998, Measure for Measure, Isabella
Oxford University
1998, King John, Pandulf
Shakespeare's Globe
1998, As You Like It, Touchstone
Shakespeare's Globe
Kerry Owen
1998, As You Like It, Awdrie
Shakespeare's Globe
Kerry Owen
1998, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Titania
Jerash Festival
Kerry Owen
1998, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hermia
Jerash Festival
1997, The Comedy of Errors, Courtezan
Ross on Wye International Festival
1997, Romeo & Juliet, Theseus & Oberon
Jerash Festival, Jordan
Simon Purse
1997, Henry VI part 3, Montague
Shakespeare's Globe
Kerry Owen
1997, Comedy of Errors, Luciana
Hay Festival
1997, Comedie of Errors, Dr Pinch
Ross on Wye

Original Shakespeare Company Jobs

For details of known Original Shakespeare Company vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information