Pinpoint create

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Pinpoint create. If you are interested in working with Pinpoint create or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

A lovely company that uses theatre to help improve community life.

Connected mandy members:

2015, The Trial of Le Singe, The Defence Lawyer
Fling Festival
2015, The Sea Monkey, Captain Sille
3ft Festival
2012, Sparks Will Fly Festival- Shakespeare Scenes, Malvolio/ Roderigo/ Thisbe/ Musician
'Sparks Will Fly' Festival, Hylands Park, Chelmsford
2012, Priory People, Edith Scratton
Priory Park. Southend-on-Sea
2012, Priory People, Edith Dorothy Scratton
Prittlewell Priory, Southend
2012, Priory People, Main Role-Grace Scullery maid.
Priory Museum
Colin Reed
2012, Priory People, Arthur Harris
Colin Reed
2011, The Anglo-Saxon World of Beowulf, Grendel/Grendella/Dragon
Priory Park, Southend-on-sea
Barry Wilson
2011, Beowulf, Beowulf

Pinpoint create Jobs

For details of known Pinpoint create vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information