Quantum Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Quantum Theatre. If you are interested in working with Quantum Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

English TIE touring company touring shows to primary and secondary schools

Connected mandy members:

2013, Octopushy, Max Thrust
Anyssa Baki
2013, Invasion of the Summer Puddings, Tara
Schools Tour
Frank Teale
2013, Invasion of the Summer Puddings, The Doctor
Kate Hearn
2013, Bin Raider, Bin Raider
2013, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Bottom
Outdoor Tour
2013, 12th Night, Olivia/Fabian/Valentine/Officer
2012, The Tales of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny, Peter Rabbit
Outdoor Tour
2012, The Return To Planet Calculus, Johnny Spacehopper
2012, Personal Best, Lewis/Mother
2012, Mrs. Jessop and the Maths Lesson of Doom, Basildon Smith
2012, Mrs Jessop and the Maths Lesson of Doom, Multiple roles
2012, Inspector Clueless and the Missing Materials, Miss S
Fiona Sagar
2012, Inspector Clueless and the Missing Materials, Miss S
2012, Inspector Clueless and The Missing Materials, Inspector Clueless
2012, Inspector Clueless and the Missing Materials, Inspector Clueless
UK Tour
Tim Dawkins
2012, Great Expectations and others, Understudy
2012, GO!, Frankie
UK Tour
Tim Dawkins
Voice Over: English
2012, Go!, DJ / Commentator / News Reader
Chloe Rose Fisher
Actor, Singer
2012, Go!, Chloe/Mrs Waddington/Mother/Edward/Florence Symthe
Anyssa Baki
2012, Go, Chloe

Quantum Theatre Jobs

For details of known Quantum Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Quantum Theatre Company, Quantum Theatre for Science, Quantum Theatre of Science, Quantum Theatre science, Quantum Theatre Science