Queen Margaret University

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Queen Margaret University. If you are interested in working with Queen Margaret University or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is committed to providing thoroughly relevant teaching and research. Our research is focused on making a real practical impact on everyday life, and our courses are designed to produce well prepared, well rounded and flexible graduates. We have widely recognised expertise in the areas of health and rehabilitation; sustainable business and creativity and culture.

Connected mandy members:

2007, Fando and Lis, Lis
The Tron Theatre
Mat Urey
2007, Fando & Lis, Mitaro
The Tron Theatre, Glasgow
Lisa Denver
2007, Faith, Love, Hope, Elizabeth
The Tron Theatre
Dawn Parylo
Voice Over: Scottish
2007, commercial, Female voice
Ruth George
Costume Assistant
2007, Comedy Of Errors, Costume Assistant
Gateway Theatre, Edinburgh
Lisa Denver
2007, Blood Wedding, Mother-In-Law
St Brides Theatre
Mat Urey
2007, Blood Wedding, Guest
St. Brides, Edinburgh
2007, A Comedy of Errors, Tart
Pend Studio, Gateway
Ruthie Collins
Stage Manager
2007, 'Europe Discovered' Season, Deputy Stage Manager
Tron Theatre, Glasgow
Adam Reeves
Voice Over: English
2006, Tsu Ba Sa, Voice of Destiny
Ruth George
Costume Assistant
2006, Three Sisters, Costume Assistant
St Brides Edinburgh
Ruthie Collins
Stage Manager
2006, Three Sisters, Lighting Operator/ Assitant
St. Brides Theatre, Edinburgh
2006, Three Sisters, Natasha
St Brides Theatre
2006, Sexual Perversity In Chicago, Bernard Litko
The Pend Theatre, Edinburgh
Sarah Mawdsley
Set Designer
2006, Pirates, Props Designer/Maker
Ocean Terminal
2006, No Exit, Estelle
The Pend Studio
Hannah Gibbs
Costume Supervisor
2006, Metamorphosis, Costume Assistant
Edinburgh's Botanical Gardens
Ruthie Collins
Stage Manager
2006, Metamophoses, Assistant Stage Manager
Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh
Mat Urey
2006, Love's Labour's Lost, King Ferdinand
Lisa Denver
2006, Interviews With The Rest of The World, Jackie, Lucinda, Anne
Costorphine Theatre

Queen Margaret University Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

QMU, QMU Drama Society, QMUC, Queen Margaret College, Queen Margaret University College