Rough Haired Pointer

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Rough Haired Pointer. If you are interested in working with Rough Haired Pointer or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Rough Haired Pointer is a theatre company set up by Mary Franklin (director) and Carin Nakanishi (designer) in 2013. Since then the company has expanded to include a composer, producer and a company of associate actors. Our work combines visual originality, headlong action, unapologetic theatricality, precisely crafted staging and theatrical danger. Our work is rooted in its form – every production we have staged has at its heart a discussion about making a piece of theatre. Our work is intentionally rough around the edges. We believe in constantly celebrating the elements of chance and play in live drama. Both onstage and in rehearsal our artistic aim is organised chaos, with a backbone of trust, fidelity to the text and an understanding that comes from a strong collaborative ethos.

Connected mandy members:

Jake Curran
2014, Marco Polo?, Rusticello
Hen and Chickens
John Ravenov
Sound Designer
2014, Marco Polo, Sound Designer and Performer
Hen and Chickens
2014, Fred and Madge, Madge
Hope Theatre
John Ravenov
Sound Designer
2014, Fred and Madge, Sound Director, Musical Director, Engineer and Performer
Hope Theatre
Robert Perkins
Assistant Stage Manager
2014, Fred and Madge, Stage Manager (on the book)
Hope Theatre
Jake Curran
2014, Fred and Madge, Fred
The Hope Theatre
Jake Curran
2014, Diary of a Nobody, Charles Pooter
The White Bear and The Kings Head Theatre
2013, The Young Visiters, Miss Ethel Monticue
The Hen an Chickens Theatre
Venus Raven
2013, Daisy Ashford's "The Young Visiters", Lighting Designer / Technical Operator
Hen & Chickens Theatre

Rough Haired Pointer Jobs

For details of known Rough Haired Pointer vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Rough Haired Pointer Theatre Company