Royal Albert Hall

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Royal Albert Hall. If you are interested in working with Royal Albert Hall or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The Hall is a Grade I Listed building; and has been in continuous use since it was opened in March 1871. It was always conceived as a multipurpose building to host not only concerts of music but exhibitions, public meetings, scientific conversations and award ceremonies. It is a registered charity held in trust for the nation but is financially self sufficient: it receives no funding from central or local government.

Connected mandy members:

Richard Rhys Thomas
Lighting Designer
2009, Technical Manager overseeing incoming events, Technical Show Manager
2009, Santa's Christmas Cracker, Solo Singer
Adam Pritchard
Technical Manager / Director
2009, Numerous, Technician
Royal Albert Hall
2009, Extracts from Romeo and Juliet, Romeo
2009, Elton John Gala Performance at the Royal Albert Hall, Baritone
2009, BBC Proms, Solo Singer
Andy Pye
Technical Manager / Director
2008, Various, Casual Lighting Crew
Royal Albert Hall
Oliver Thomas
Electrician, Chief
2008, Various, Lighting Crew
Royal Albert Hall
Kate Ankers
Actor, Singer
2008, Promotional leaflet, Royal Albert Hall Corporate Patron
Royal Albert Hall, London
Claire Trusson
Actor, Singer
2008, Chess in Concert, West End Chorus
Simon Frost
2007, Royal Albert Hall, Rigging Manager
Royal Albert Hall
Taraneh Meen
Company Stage Manager
2006, Various productions, Crew
Royal Albert Hall
Richard Rhys Thomas
Lighting Designer
2006, Lighting technician supporting incoming shows, Lighting Assistant
Richard Rhys Thomas
Lighting Designer
2005, Supporting various shows, Casual Lighting Crew
Ben Turnbull
Lighting Designer
2005, Poetry OlympicsTwenty05, Assistant Stage Manager
Royal Albert Hall
Corinna MacEwan
Lighting Technician
2005, Multiple, Venue technician, follow spot operator
miriam faura
2005, , Contemporary-Spanish dancer/actress
Nick Blower
Technical Manager / Director
2004, Various, Stage Crew
Royal Albert Hall
Francesca Finney
Deputy Stage Manager
2004, The Lord of the Rings Symphony, DSM
Richard Rhys Thomas
Lighting Designer
2004, Followspot Operator for various shows, Casual Followspot Operator

Royal Albert Hall Jobs

For details of known Royal Albert Hall vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information