ScreamPark Entertainments

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with ScreamPark Entertainments. If you are interested in working with ScreamPark Entertainments or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Scream Park Entertainments are Actor Management services and specialists in performer based events and productions, and expert in creating unique performances in non-traditional settings. From Farm Park to Theme Park, Corporate Events, Street theatre or Festivals, we’re the ultimate in high quality entertainment. If you want to make the most of a special event whether it’s Christmas, Easter, Summertime or (our favourite) Halloween, we can help you to achieve it and ensure there are screams of joy, laughter or terror!

Actors, children’s entertainers, puppeteers, scare performers, street theatre performers… The list goes on. If you’re looking for a specific type of entertainment, please get in touch, if we can’t help you we may know someone who can! We may also have an existing show that would fit perfectly into your venue without the hassle of you having to organise it all from scratch.

Connected mandy members:

David Holt
2015, The Howl, Rufus
Mead Open Farm
Louis Cain
2015, The Colony, Actor
Sarah Lacey
2015, Storytime with Helga Hex & Jasper Jinx, Helga Hex
Wicksteed Park
2015, Haunted House, Ethel the Housekeeper
Wicksteed Park
2014, Tully's Farm, Actor
Tully's Farm
2014, Tulley's Shocktober Fest Scream Park, Scare Actor
Tulley's Farm
Kate Lavery
Actor, Talent
2013, Shocktober Fest, Scare Actor
2012, Shocktober Fest, Hubble
Tulley's Farm

ScreamPark Entertainments Jobs

For details of known ScreamPark Entertainments vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information