Shakespeare 4 Kidz

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Shakespeare 4 Kidz. If you are interested in working with Shakespeare 4 Kidz or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Since 1997, Shakespeare 4 Kidz have been successfully providing Shakespeare education to children and young people all over the UK, and across the globe! Our unique approach has proved a hit with kidz and adults alike.

Connected mandy members:

Alan Gosling
Stage Assistant / Stagehand
1999, Mid Summer Nights Dream, Head Technician

Shakespeare 4 Kidz Jobs

For details of known Shakespeare 4 Kidz vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

S4K, S4K - Shakespeare 4 Kids, S4K Theatre, Shakepeare 4 Kidz, Shakespare 4 Kidz (No 1 UK Tour), shakespear 4kidz, Shakespeare 4 Kidz (No 1 UK Tour), Shakespeare for Kidz