Sprout Pictures

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Sprout Pictures. If you are interested in working with Sprout Pictures or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Sprout Pictures is an independent Film and Television production company founded in 2004 by Stephen Fry and Gina Carter.

We are committed to establishing lasting creative relationships and
producing film and TV of the highest quality, and to date our output
has been sold worldwide.

Connected mandy members:

William Griffin
Production Assistant
2017, Yardie, Runner (pre)
Sarvesh Pattni
Production Assistant
2017, In the Long Run, Rushes Runner
Hannah Lovett
Personal Assistant
2013, Sky Playhouse Presents, Runner

Sprout Pictures Jobs

For details of known Sprout Pictures vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information