The Actors Lab

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with The Actors Lab. If you are interested in working with The Actors Lab or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

At The Actors’ Lab, it’s our aim to provide exclusive full time Drama School training but on a part-time basis where you can meet new people in a social and creative environment.

We pride ourselves in offering a wide variety of acting classes for all ages, from theatre workshops to acting on screen. As an actor, versatility is key so we
cover all media, including
Theatre, TV, Film and Radio.

All classes are taken by one of a pool
of professional actors, directors and
casting directors.

Connected mandy members:

Edd Bower
2014, Threads, Mr Love
The Lowry Theatre - Salford Quays
2014, Night Must Fall, Olivia
The Lowry
Gemma Green
2013, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hippolyta
Oasis Academy, Salford
Josie Walsh
2013, A Mid Summers Night Dream, Moth
Plas Coch Outdoor theatre
2001, The Erpingham Camp, Eileen
The Dixon Studio, Southend

The Actors Lab Jobs

For details of known The Actors Lab vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information