The Arches Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with The Arches Theatre. If you are interested in working with The Arches Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The Arches Theatre is the leading provider in Scotland for support to emergent artists and performance practitioners. Amongst many mentoring schemes and professional development projects, the Arches run the annual Arches Award for New Stage Directors (in collaboration with National Theatre of Scotland and Traverse Theatre), the Artist in Residence and Company in Residence programmes, the Brick Award re-staging opportunity, four annual Scratch nights and the Arches Live! festival of new work.

Connected mandy members:

Deanne Jones
Stage Manager
2013, What Every Gets You Through The Night, Stage Manager
The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh
Avalon Hernandez
Production Manager
2013, The Night Before Christmas, Production Manager
The Arches
Avalon Hernandez
Production Manager
2013, Platform 18, Production Manager
The Arches & Traverse
A J Irwin
Scenic Artist
2013, Bullet Catch, Scenic Artist
Grant Anderson
Lighting Designer
2013, Behaviour Festival, Production Manager
John Mitchell
2013, BEATS, LX Designer / Sound Designer / Performer
Grant Anderson
Lighting Designer
2013, Arches Live Festival 2013, Production Manager
The Arches
Matthew Edmonds
Prop Maker
2013, Alien Wars, Propmaker/Designer
Christopher McMillan
Lighting Technician
2013, , Venue Technician
the arches Glasgow
Avalon Hernandez
Production Manager
2012, Thatcher's Children, Stage Manager
The Arches
Grant Anderson
Lighting Designer
2012, Sound Thought Festival, Production Manager
The Arches
Kieron Johnson
Stage Manager
2012, Platform 18: Beats, Stage manager
The Arches & traverse theatre
Grant Anderson
Lighting Designer
2012, On The Verge 2012, Production Manager
The Arches
Grant Anderson
Lighting Designer
2012, Behaviour Festival, Production Manager
The Arches
Grant Anderson
Lighting Designer
2012, Arches Live 2012, Production Manager
The Arches
Lucy Goldie
2012, Alien Wars (online advert), The Archaeologist
The Arches
Avalon Hernandez
Production Manager
2011, The Pleasure of Being, Stage Manager
Traverse Theatre
Debbie Flynn
Lighting Technician
2011, the arches, technical intern
Avalon Hernandez
Production Manager
2011, Santa: A Very Merry Businessman, Stage Manager
The Arches
Kieron Johnson
Stage Manager
2011, Pause With a Smile, Stage Manager
The Arches / The Traverse

The Arches Theatre Jobs

For details of known The Arches Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Arches Theatre, Arches Theatre Company, The Arches, The Arches Company, the arches tc, the arches theatre co, the arches theatre co., The Arches Theatre Company, The Arches, Glasgow