Theatre Duet of Helsinki

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Theatre Duet of Helsinki. If you are interested in working with Theatre Duet of Helsinki or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Theatre Duet of Helsinki produces new musical theatre work.

Connected mandy members:

Jari Laakso
Company Stage Manager
2014, Suicides and Smalltalk, Director
Old Red Lion Theatre
2013, Louisa the Musical, Helena/Heidi
Rosie Houlton
Actor, Singer
2013, Louisa - The Musical, Malla
Central School of Speech and Drama
Jari Laakso
Company Stage Manager
2013, Louisa - A new musical, Director, Writer
Embassy Theatre
Jari Laakso
Company Stage Manager
2011, London - ParĂ­s, Director

Theatre Duet of Helsinki Jobs

For details of known Theatre Duet of Helsinki vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information