Theatro Technis

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Theatro Technis. If you are interested in working with Theatro Technis or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Theatro Technis’ ideas and policies are realised for anyone who is interested in the development of individuals and communities.

The Theatre maintains a balance between both classic and contemporary work and serves to embrace a variety of diverse art forms ranging from theatre & dance, art, photography, music & film.

Connected mandy members:

2011, Seven Against Thebes, Greek Chorus
Theatro Technis
Tom Meehan
Sound Engineer
2011, Plays/Concerts, Theatre Technician
Theatro Technis
Stephen Armourae
Actor, Dancer, Singer
2011, Elegies, Lighting designer
2010, Seven Against Thebes, Chorus
Theatro Technis
2010, Seven Against Thebes, Chorus Leader
Theatro Technis
2010, Phoenician Women, Creon
Theatro Technis
2009, The Challenging Tide, Helen Scapanes
Theatro Technis
2009, Occupied Territory, Penelope
Theatro Technis
Camilla Halford
2009, not applicable, Volunteer Coordinator
Sunghee Yu
Lighting Designer
2009, Family Theatre Project, Lighting Designer
Theatro Technis
Steve Harris
2008, Theatro Technis, Theatre Manager
Theatro Technis
2008, The Challenging Tide, Helen Scapanes
Theatro Technis
Esin Harvey
2007, Macbeth, Lady Macduff
Jatin Mehta
2007, Louse/Turkey/Grey Foam, George/George/James
Theatro Technis
2006, The Persians, Atossa + Chorus
Theatro Technis
2006, Persians, Queen Atossa
2006, King Lear, Earl of Kent
Theatro Technis
Jatin Mehta
2006, Grey Foam, James
Theatro Technis
Jatin Mehta
2006, Forza Galileo, Dionysus
Theatro Technis
2006, Edmund The Bastard, Edgar
Theatro Technis

Theatro Technis Jobs

For details of known Theatro Technis vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information