Traverse Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Traverse Theatre. If you are interested in working with Traverse Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The Traverse Theatre is Scotland's new writing theatre. From its conception in 1963, it has embraced a spirit of innovation and risk-taking that launched the careers of many of Scotland's best-known writers including John Byrne, David Greig, David Harrower and Liz Lochhead.

Connected mandy members:

Amy Elder
2004, , Technicial ASM
Steve Muckersie
Deputy Stage Manager
2003, Various productions, ASM
Jayne Gross
2003, Various, Development Manager
Traverse Theatre
2002, Sex life of the Estonians, Spaz
Chris Clayton
Storyboard Artist
2002, FESTUS, Scenic Artist
2002, A Soldier's Tale, Narrator
Carrie Hutcheon
Company Stage Manager
2000, Various seasons, Stage Manager
1999, Blueheart, Child
The Traverse Theatre
Rachel George
Prop Maker
1997, The Swan, Tourist Variations, Poor Superman, Moscow Stations, Widows, Passing Places, Wormwood, Lazybed and others., Scenic artist/Propmaker
1996, Sharp Shorts, Various
Heather Wilson
Stage Manager
1995, Various productions, Deputy Stage Manager
Traverse and Touring
Cate Mackie
Costume Supervisor
1992, Columbus - Blooding The Ocean, Wardrobe Assistant
Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh
1988, The Way We Were, Dora
1988, Othello, Desdemona
Citizen's Theatre
1988, Both Hands Together, Grace

Traverse Theatre Jobs

For details of known Traverse Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

The Traverse Theatre, Traverse, Traverse Theatre / Wales Millenium Centre, Traverse Theatre Company, Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh