Undeb Theatre

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Founded in 2009, Undeb is an award winning, Welsh new writing theatre company committed to establishing strong relationships between Welsh artists and the rest of the world.

Above all, we seek to produce innovative, 'blink and you'll miss it' theatre by commissioning new and established writers that excite us.

Previously Ambassadors for the National Theatre Wales, along with a residency at the Cardiff Arts Institute, Undeb Theatre have produced work at Latitude Festival, White Bear Theatre & Pleasance Theatre.

Most recently, Undeb were awarded the prestigious FRINGE FIRST for their Edinburgh Festival debut, 'Gardening: for the Unfulfilled and Alienated' by Brad Birch.

Connected mandy members:

Elouise Farley
Set Builder
2014, Comets, Set Designer & Set Builder
Latitude Festival

Undeb Theatre Jobs

For details of known Undeb Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

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