University of Chichester

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with University of Chichester. If you are interested in working with University of Chichester or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Performing Arts at Chichester has a national reputation as a home for intensive, innovative and extensive performance making.

Centred around the Showroom, the University's public theatre, the Department offers the highly popular and successful BA (Hons) Performing Arts (Theatre Performance) (Theatre Performance and Dance) (Theatre Performance and Music), which specialises in devised new work, and, from 2012, a revamped Masters' programme: MA Performance (Theatre) (Theatre Collectives). We also have a community of MPhil and PhD students, primarily concerned with practice-based performance research, who are supervised by our highly dedicated academic team of practicing artists and researchers.

Connected mandy members:

2022, Flora the Red Menace, Charlotte
Alexandra Theatre - Bognor Regis
Alice Youngs
2021, Together, Nurse
2021, Ticking, Norman
2021, Soho Cinders, Narrator
Connaught Theatre -Worthing
Tina Dezart
Company Stage Manager
2021, My Fair Lady, Production Manager
Alice Youngs
2021, In my parents eyes, Narrator
2021, Hysteria, Jay
Tech Park, Bognor Regis
Alice Youngs
2021, His Choice Her Pain, Zoe
Anna Hulm
2021, Guinea Pigs, Fenella
The Showroom, Chichester
Ember Wright
2021, Guinea Pigs, Anderson
Chichester Showroom
2021, Godspell, Ensomble
New Theatre Royal Portsmouth
Tina Dezart
Company Stage Manager
2021, Godspell, Production Manager
New Theatre Royal Portsmouth
2021, Fiddler on the Roof, Director
Connaught Theatre, Worthing
Alice Youngs
2021, Dorms, Brittany
University of Chichester
Tina Dezart
Company Stage Manager
2021, Daisy Pulls it Off, Production Manager
New Theatre Royal Portsmouth
2021, Addicted, Lead
My house
Izzy Tomassi
2020, The Misconception, Kelsey (Female Lead)
2020, Our House, Ensemble/ Julie
The Alexandra Theatre
Daniel Farrier
Actor, Entertainer
2020, L.A.D., Young Man
University of Chichester Showroom
Emma Rosier
2020, Guinea Pigs, Fox
The Showroom, University of Chichester

University of Chichester Jobs

For details of known University of Chichester vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

University of Chichester dance society, University of Chichester Performing ats department