Venture Productions

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We bring full live theatre into your school hall and afford your children the opportunity of experiencing impressive scenery, lights, costumes and sound.

All of our exciting productions have been cleverly written for 4 - 11 yearolds, (Key Stage 1 & 2).

Each story has a moral and is anchored to sound educational content but presented in a light hearted and colourful way.

During the performances the children will be encouraged to join with the actors and with full audience participation add another dimension to the shows.

The performances last for approximately 50 minutes followed by a 15 minute question and answer session when the children are invited to both ask and discuss all aspects of the production from the story line to scenery production. This period we find most valuable in making children aware of many "behind the scenes" aspects of theatre.

Connected mandy members:

1998, The Pearl of Wisdom, Genie, Pirate, Monkey, Explorer
1998, The Happy Tree, Bessie Bud / Nasty Nora

Venture Productions Jobs

For details of known Venture Productions vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information