Wooden Hill

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Wooden Hill. If you are interested in working with Wooden Hill or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Most of us at Wooden Hill have a background of working in the performing arts and it remains a big love of ours.

We have been very pleased and excited to develop so many theatrical works in the last year, ranging from Educational Theatre in schools to a Murder Mystery evening for Bedford Pilgrim’s Housing Association.

As well as delivering issue based performances to provoke thought and discussion and provide a platform for

under-represented voices, we have also been able to generate paid work for local actors and writers.

Theatre is a powerful tool for implementing change and we aim to continue to develop exciting new work across the region in the coming year.

Connected mandy members:

Terry Burns
Actor, Singer
2010, Transitions, Harry Hunter
Terry Burns
Actor, Singer
2010, The G&T Project, Alex McEwan
Jenny Ayres
2009, Feeling Good, Gemma
The Place , Bedford
Jenny Ayres
2008, The Pledge, Lily

Wooden Hill Jobs

For details of known Wooden Hill vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Wooden Hill / Moon Watcher Films, Wooden Hill UK