Based on a True Story

2009, 22 minutes

Short Satirical Comedy

After witnessing at firsthand the massacre of his family and destruction of his village, Yaroslav Garkusha is invited by a production company to come to England, to make a film based on these terrible events. Eager to tell his story to the world, Yaroslav willingly accepts - entrusting his tale wholeheartedly to a producer, screenwriter and director all too keen to make his story appeal to a 'wider' audience. We follow Yaroslav through each stage of 'his' film's production. Facing compromises; inflated egos; the companies' obsession with profits and fame; and constant changes and rewrites, we watch as he struggles to keep the true details of his story intact.

Connected mandy members:

Robert Hider
Actor, Singer
Yaroslav Garushka
Ashok Gazula
Sound Designer
Production Sound Mixer