Effie Gray

Effie Gray

2016, 108 minutes

love triangle involving Victorian art critic John Ruskin

Born in Scotland, Effie married Victorian art critic and historian John Ruskin when she was 19 years old and he was 29. Shortly after they married, Effie followed John to Venice, where he was working on his book The Stones of Venice. There, John was busy studying the many historic monuments of the city, and left Effie alone. Thus Effie spent her time between the busy streets of Venice and the frequent balls. While visiting Scotland with her husband and his protegé the artist John Everett Millais, Effie and Millais fell in love. Though five years had passed since she married, John still had not consummated the marriage. Ultimately Effie sought and won in court the annulment of her marriage and she married John Millais. During the trial, Effie said her husband was impotent, while he argued that Effie's body had some disgusting feature

Connected mandy members:

Francis Cullen
Sound Recordist
Sound Assistant