
2015, 90 minutes

the children's story

Heidi is a Swiss orphan girl; her Aunt Detie takes her, aged 5, to live with her grandfather on the mountain slopes. Heidi settles happily into her new home. When she is eight Aunt Detie takes her to live in Frankfurt as a companion to a twelve-year-old girl, Clara Sesemann, who is unable to walk. Clara, her father, and her Grandmamma become very fond of Heidi. However, Miss Rottenmeier, the housekeeper, does not like her. Heidi becomes homesick and Clara's Grandmamma sees that she is unhappy and suggests that she should pray for help. She also makes sure that Heidi learns to read. Heidi is still unhappy and Clara's doctor insists that she be allowed to return home. Heidi influences her grandfather to start going to church again; he moves to the village during the winter so that Heidi can go to school. Clara, Grandmamma and Mr Sesemann all visit Heidi. Clara is allowed to stay with Heidi and she learns to walk again. The Sesemann family give presents to Heidi, her friend Peter, and Peter's blind grandmother. They promise Heidi's grandfather that they will make sure Heidi is always taken care of.