Se- Rurta / Sunbirth

2012, 90 minutes

tribal fantasy

The Friac are facing, Celtic invaders from the continent who are arriving in their hordes. These newcomers bring with them new technology and more importantly Iron. With their culture and way of life threatened, the Friac are fearful for their existence. They believe their gods have abadoned them, and are losing their lands rapidly to these warlike foreigners. Chosen to undertake the ritual of Se-rurta, On-ta-hil must first travel to El-Dudd ( the isle of the dead ) there he will meet Ka-la-ree a feared and revered shaman who will conduct the sunbirth ritual. Only by undertaking this dangerous ritual will On-ta-hil prove his worth in the eyes of the gods, and more importantly to those of his people. Once performed On-ta-hil will begin an odyssey that will see him confronting the spirits of the dead, demons and his gods.

Connected mandy members:

Carey Thring
The Seeker