Streets Of Narm

2015, 90 minutes

Streets of ‘Narm is a thriller with a heart, set in Dagenham a small town on the outskirts of East London where friendships are lifelong and loyalty is everything.

Streets of ‘Narm is a thriller with a heart, set in Dagenham a small town on the outskirts of East London where friendships are lifelong and loyalty is everything. As the story unfolds a series of unlawful events including, the violent murder of her friend and the kidnap of her son cause Kim our main protagonist’s life to spiral out of control to a point where she will spend the rest of the story overcoming great conflict in order to save herself and ultimately her family. The story is extremely well written with realistic, flowing dialogue and a plot that is loaded with twists and turns which builds to a mind blowing climax. Streets of ‘Narm is a smart, fast paced and hard hitting written in a fresh contemporary style. Streets of ‘Narm maybe a thriller but it is also a story about people and each characters journey is integral to the plot.

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