It's a start and it feels like a dream

I recently had a short script of mine turned into a short film which premiered in film festivals. What makes this huge for me is that it's the first piece of writing I've gotten into the hands of other individuals in the film industry, so I'm on cloud nine. I've learned a lot and quickly realized the actual cinema field is completely different from what film school teaches you. All in all, I'm extremely excited and hope to keep progressing since this is (hopefully) the start of my career as a script writer.

  • 2 years ago
  • 636
  • 2
Joshua Wright
Production Co-ordinator

Congratulations! I am glad you were able to achieve such a feat. Understanding the tv/film industry can be difficult, and to navigate it is even harder.

I'm still in the beginning stages of acting, so I understand the importance of having quality people notice your skills. Those people noticed that as a crew member, I deserved a better opportunity. They began to encourage me, and I listened. It feels good to hear of others achieving because this industry can seem daunting. But, stories like yours give hope. So, I'm rooting for you to make it to the top. Great job, Kymberli!

  • 2 years ago
  • 1
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