Looking at people

Toni Brooks

Just in case people are wondering why I've looked at them, it's because I'm looking for a photographer. I think Michael Wharley seems the one to go for.
I went to an agency to see if they'd take me on their books and I've sent them my pics. They've got back to me saying that they aren't really very good as my eyes seem flat and they need to be b/w (which I have so no probs but as it's mainly film and TV, I always thought they preferred colour). I said that I was thinking of getting more done and surprise surprise, they offered their own photographer at £395. Now, this company has just started taking on actors - they are a modeling agency and immediately alarm bells started ringing. Won't name them as this post would be taken off but pm me if you want the name and we can see if this is a bit of a scam.

  • 13 years ago
  • 960
  • 1
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