FREE Showreel Editing (Limited Availability)

John Thacker


I'm a professional video editor for a creative media company (alongside acting), I'm starting to move into creating showreels and I'm looking to edit around 3 showreels for free so I have examples so use when I start promoting myself.

I ask in return you write a positive review on my upcoming site and tell your friends!

As an actor myself outside of editing I understand the importance of having a slick showcase of your talent and versatility to make you stand out in the early stages of auditions.

Contact me if are interested on or feel free to DM me.

  • 7 years ago
  • 1,058
  • 2

Hi John
I have three separate showreels which I need to put together, I have just upgraded to premium so if you still have availability please let me know and how to proceed,
Many thanks
Nicholas taylor

  • 7 years ago
  • 1
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