New 2017 Showreel - Critique sought and welcomed

Greg Draven

Hi folks.

I'm mostly a lurker here, but this will be changing.

I have a new 2017 showreel that i'm proud of and would lurve some feedback on.

When creating this showreel I did the worst think you can do - googled for information on how to create the perfect showreel.

I learned two things by doing that.
1) There is no such thing - Showreels are subjective, so don't panic about it too much, care about your product by all means, but don't panic.
2) There is NO consensus of opinion on showreels other then don't do a montage to exciting music.

So, with this in mind, I present to you my 2017 Showreel.

Hope you enjoy and am looking forward to your feedback.


  • 7 years ago
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Hi mate, I've just had a look and here are my thoughts.

I think the showreel it's self is absolutely fine, looks good. The thing that struck me though which you might want to bear in mind is...

I think you're really setting yourself up for being typecast, I personally love the medieval/vikng look and have done it myself for a previous role. But pretty much everything on your reel is of that type of role, and you're not showing enough character range if that makes sense?

When I look at a reel I imagine I am the director, and unless I was casting something of the medieval type setting I may have dismissed the show reel on that basis of there not being much else. I get that it's your look/thing, but consider emotionally and visually completely stepping out of that setting and I think that'll serve you well.

As I've said, that small constructive criticism aside I think you've done a good job Greg and wish you luck in the future.

  • 7 years ago
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Greg Draven

Thank you for that Craig, greatly appreciated.

I'm under no illusion that there isn't as much variety in character as I'd like. I've taken from what material I've been allowed to use and been cast in - and obviously have been cast for the reason that I look the way I do.

I'm looking at performing a monologue that shows some range, but that will take the showreel over a length I'm happy with.

So yes, I agree with your critique, it's one I'm actively working on.

Cheers brother.

  • 7 years ago
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Good man, hopefully we'll work together on the battlefield one day :)

  • 7 years ago
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Hannah Jane Yeoman
Actor, Dancer

Hi Greg,

I really liked it. Good work. I think perhaps it's a tiny bit too long; I think the last section could do with cutting down, perhaps just a few of those clips. It shows a really good range throughout though and shows that you've done a vast range of genres too. Perhaps the only thing missing is real emotion/connection with other actors. I know a lot of casting directors look for your reactions to other characters in a showreel so maybe something with some kind of deeper connection; maybe see if you can get something filmed with someone else? Personally I wouldn't suggest a monologue as it lacks the connection, but I know people have different opinions on that.

Really good showreel though I reckon.
Best of luck,

  • 7 years ago
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Greg Draven

Hi Hannah.

Thank you so much for your critique.

I am fully aware that there's a missing element currently, so I am looking to film a specific scene with a couple of other actor friends of mine to remedy this.

I hear what you're saying about the monologue, and I think the one I have chosen may be an exception to this.
I am going to film Mark Anthony's Dogs of War monologue from Julius Caesar. But I may keep that as a separate file. Undecided on that.

Again, thank you for taking the time to watch and feedback. It really means the world to me.
Hope to work with you some day.

If you all fancy, you can hit me up on twitter @GregDraven or hunt me down on Facebook, same name. I'd love to connect with you all there.


  • 7 years ago
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Hi Greg,

I really enjoyed your reel - it's alerted me to something a lot of people have said and that is to keep the clips short so that the casting directors can see what they need straight away.

I don't know if it is important to you, but someone recently told me not to put a title page, as casting directors main attention is in the first 10 seconds - so essentially you are wasting have of that time on a title screen when they know who you are already cos an agent has already put you forward and introduced you - or they are already on your page. So with that in mind I removed the title shot from the beginning of mine (but left it at the end).

Otherwise I think your showreel is really thorough and well cut - easy for casting directors to get a feel for who you are and how you perform.

If you have 2.30 minutes, I'd be very grateful if you could critique my reel ( - but also on my profile). I'm at a bit of a loss with it and want to get the best edit - not sure if it's fine as it is and I've just gotten bored of it or if it needs improvement. Would be grateful f you able to take a mo looking at it and send me your thoughts!

Thank you (and sorry for the essay!!)


  • 6 years ago
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Greg Draven

Hi Veronica.

Thanks for your feedback. I hear what you are saying ref a slate. Sadly there seems to be no definitive consensus on this.
The Hubbards like a slate, other CD's don't, so I am at a loss.

Like your reel a lot.
In the second to last clip, where you confront the murderer, the sound clips and distorts, that could do with normalising. Other than that though,awesome reel.

Maybe we'll get to work together some day.

Let me know your social media accounts and I'll drop you some follows.


  • 6 years ago
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Hi Greg,

Thanks for the feedback! Yes - the sound isnt great on that clip but I only have basic audio-editing software on final cut pro and can't clean it up much!

I'm on twitter here: @VJTweeting. Thanks for connecting :)

  • 6 years ago
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