Brighton Collaborators

Hi there
so - me - background - scripts - going fine. Good (through first round of BFI blah blah and 1% BBC Open blah blah. Sorry it's so hard to define yourself without these... stats (36 - 24 -36 And Missss Brighton's hobbies are saving the world).
Anyway - the point is - I think I'm getting the hang of this script writing thing. But I have an absolute aching desire to make films - brilliant one! (Though probably need to explore and experiment and make a few crap one to start with).
And I want to do it now. Or at least soon. So...
So - with that in mind - are you perhaps a DOP wannabe? Or a sound 'haveagoer'? Or just a fabulously creative bod who is up for making short films and are based not too far from me?

I'm thinking if we use the resources that we have to hand and just focus on great story - it's doable.

Many thanks
Lee - screenwriter & director

  • 8 months ago
  • 339
  • 1
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