Bohemian Pictures

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We are Bohemian Pictures. Founded by C.A. Cooper, Anna Drizen and Richard Allen, (01/08/09). The new generation of creative, innovative pioneers in cinematic production. As an independent film production team, our aim is to produce powerful cinematic works of art for mass audiences to enjoy and appreciate. We aim to challenge the establishment! To beat down bureaucracy! To fight for creative freedom! We believe in a post-modern ethos, by infusing the movie magic of the past with an innovative futuristic vision. We wish to ensure that the Bohemian Team enjoy themselves and the creative freedom to express the soul through the evocative medium of cinema. Within our creative work we encourage audiences to explore their internal psych, search their soul, enhance their empathy. Let go! Imagine! Situate themselves within the shoes of the characters on the silver screen. Most importantly we wish for you, as an audience, to enjoy watching our films as much as we enjoy making them.

Connected mandy members:

Mika Hockman
2020, Followed, Abigail Malcolm
Renate Morley
Voice Over: German
2013, The Snare, Spirit Woman
Adam Lewis
2011, Half Dead, The Mysterious Stranger
Richard Allen
Director of Photography
2011, Final Retribution, Director/DOP/Editor/Producer
Richard Allen
Director of Photography
2010, Verdelet, Line Producer and Camera Operator
Richard Allen
Director of Photography
2009, Tortured Love, Director Of Photography

Bohemian Pictures Jobs

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