Leicester Haymarket

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Leicester Haymarket. If you are interested in working with Leicester Haymarket or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The Leicester Haymarket no Longer exists.

Connected mandy members:

Molly Syrett
Costume Designer
2018, Treasure Island, Costume Supervisor
Leicester Haymarket
James Taylor
Company Manager
2007, Wizard of Oz, ASM
2006, Pacific Overtures, British Admiral/Sailor
Leicester Haymarket
2005, The Wind & The Wash Tub., Valerie
Leicester Haymarket Theatre
Pete Watts
Lighting Designer
2005, Singin in the rain, spot opp
leicester haymarket
Adam Blake
2005, Beautiful Thing, Tony
Helen Williamson
Makeup Artist
2004, singing in the rain, deputy wig mistress
sadlers wells/leicester haymarket
2004, Palace of Fear, Helen
Leicester Haymarket Theate & Local Schools.
Heather Craig
Dance Teacher
2003, On Your Toes, Dancer/Singer
Leicester Haymarket
2003, Bollywood Jane, Diva
Leicester Haymarket Theate
Ali Allen
Set Designer
Jo James
Stage Manager
2002, Various, Studio Stage Manager
Leicester Haymarket
Edward French
2002, On your toes, Ensemble
Jo James
Stage Manager
2001, Various, Studio Stage Manager
Leicester Haymarket
Carl Miller
Production Manager
2001, Our Day Out, Assistant Stage Manager
2001, A Little Night Music, Carl Magnus
Leicester Haymarket
Nick Danan
2000, Juno and the Paycock, Johnny Boyle
1998, There are Crimes and Crimes, The Abbe
Leicester Haymarket
1997, Into the Woods, Cinderella's Prince
Leicester Haymarket
1996, Rock Hard, Ruby
The Haymarket Theatre Leicester

Leicester Haymarket Jobs

For details of known Leicester Haymarket vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information