When a good opportunity...........

Farah Sardar

When a good opportunity comes your way is there a tendancy to jump up and down screaming like a raving lunatic or is it just me????????

In this profession you keep needing to touch base with fellow actors to make sure your not going insane.

  • 13 years ago
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They don't come along very often in this lark so I say scream as much as you want - I do too!!! :)

  • 13 years ago
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Yeah when I actually get a decent audition it takes me a day to recover from the shock :p

Of course this also means you sometimes get your hopes up and are on the edge of your seat waiting for the phonecall to say if you got it or not...even though you know you are supposed to move on and forget about it.

  • 13 years ago
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I just laughed out loud at the 'takes a day to get over the shock' :) - I know what you mean! Yep, I have done the nutters dance in the lounge when good news breaks (and that includes a nice casting), and I have also got oddly indifferent to the rejections. Has anyone else had that? I used to take it so badly, but I guess you can only keep going on if you assume the 'water off a duck's back' thing.

  • 13 years ago
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Why deny yourself the joy of jumping, screaming and practicing your dance moves? Go girl!! :-)

  • 13 years ago
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chris upton

Sheer bloody relief is my usual reacion.

  • 13 years ago
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I'm not being pessimistic, but I'd curb my enthusiasm until the opportunity was a confirmed job! As you guys have confirmed, rejection is frequent in this business and if you get your hopes up for everything that comes your way it makes rejection all that more painful.

On the other hand, I get excited just submitting myself for good jobs! Audition or no audition! It's more fleeting excitement, but I guess as long as you don't build yourself up for a fall it's ok to get a bit excited and to be optimistic.

It's all about balance, grasshopper!

Whatever it is, Farah, I hope the best for you!

Cat -x-

  • 13 years ago
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Forbes KB

I do the nutters dance all the time believe it or not...nothing to do with work though! :-o

  • 13 years ago
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Enjoy every moment, and let yourself dream. So what if it doesn't pan out quite like you'd hope, it doesn't have to be such a fall.

There is no such thing as failure, only progress.

Stay positive and make the best of each opportunity. There are plenty of clouds in this business, so when the sun breaks through bathe in it's glow!


  • 13 years ago
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Angela May

Such positive words from Mark...will take note, thanks :o)

  • 13 years ago
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Farha, enjoy the moment and embrace the emotions its all part of the way this industry works!

  • 13 years ago
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Oooooooh yes! The nutters dance. I know it well. Mine can't last that long as I forget how to breathe. I also have the nutters pace that follows when I aimlessly wander to and fro trying to focus on what I'm supposed to be doing.

But all this is punctuated by moments of fear, irrational fear, that I just imagined they said I got the job and really they said 'no'.

If something then goes wrong, of course there is room for a little disappointment but life's too short to mope. Bring on the next opportunity!

Heads up everyone :-D

  • 13 years ago
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I would have to agree with Cat on this one. sorry if that isn't positive.

A friend of mine got a major role in a major feature that would have made a film star out of him, two days in the shoot they changed him for someone else, it happens often and for no fault of your own - so I would only jump up and.....uhummm...scream when I finish the job - thats when to celebrate.

  • 13 years ago
  • 12
Forbes KB

Yep! Nothing worse than premature exaltation!

My first scene on a proper Hollywood feature film ended up on the cutting room floor...made me look like a bit of a pillock as I'd told everyone to go and see it when it hit the cinemas! Only got it for my reel 'cos it ended up on the DVD extras, deleted scenes!

Nowadays I don't start celebrating till I've seen the final cut!

  • 13 years ago
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I understand the doubts, frustrations and the reluctance to 'let yoursrlf go'. We all have our moments...

..but, in a similar way to the saying 'It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all' I think that holding back rather than embracing the moment for the worry that it might not be all it's cracked up to be means you just lessen the number of times you'll be happy.

Uncertainty is a way of life for and Actor, the fear of things not working out hold too many people back (myself included) but nothing worth it is ever easy.

It's a joy and a privilege to be doing something that I have always wanted to do.

Remember you (we) are sticking your neck out trying to achieve what others only dream of. Enjoy your successes, however fleeting.

Live today, tomorrow will attend to itself.

Oh and I am completely sane by the way and don't own any 'rose-tinted specs'.


  • 13 years ago
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I'd say approach with caution, that's all. My stand-up comedy class had a work shop with Alan Davies that was supposed to be featured in Channel 4's recent documentary of his. It wasn't until the week our episode should have been aired that we were told all our footage was cut out. Disappointing, but still it was amazing to meet Alan Davies and get his feedback!

Getting excited and happy isn't a bad thing, but as my mother tells me, as her mother told her, 'Accept, but don't expect'.

Cat -x-

  • 13 years ago
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Hi Mark.

The thing is, its very easy to let go of your focus when you get a good job, and the prize must always be doing the job well not just getting it. I think its natural to be happy and feel good but the real fun is to then do a good job - psychologically I would think that might be a better way for the actor to respond, but thats just my opinion:)

  • 13 years ago
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Hi 'Aceman'

I think you may have missed my point. Never would I suggest that enjoying a moment of success or good news should allow someone lose focus or not concentrate on doing a good job.

Who are we to suggest to someone 'ooh don't be as happy as you want to be, just incase things don't pan out'.

This life is tough enough as it is. Allow people their joys.

There are two types of people in this world... energy takers and energy givers... I just try to be a giver.


  • 13 years ago
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lol Mark.

Ok Ok you jump and Scream.

  • 13 years ago
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Aceman, try not to be too condescending...

I was talking about letting others handle things the way they want to. Just like I will handle any supposedly good things for me the way I want to.

  • 13 years ago
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'.....I would think that might be a better way for the actor to respond, but thats just my opinion:)'

  • 13 years ago
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