TV Show directory - Meet the Adebanjos


Meet the Adebanjos is a family sitcom about a family living in Peckham South London, consisting of Nigerian parents, British children and unwanted extended family.

The show follows a larger than life Dad struggling to instill his old fashion African values in his British household. It is a clash of African traditional values versus British culture. With the mix of a radical Pentecostal pastor, a reggae loving tutor and a cousin who has just arrived from Nigeria how will Bayo cope and more importantly does he even stand a chance?

Production Company: MTA Productions LTD| Fresh Media Productions LTD

Companies connected with this show

mta Productions

Connected mandy members

Art Direction and Costume Assistant
1st/3rd AssistantDirector
Robber (Geust)
Mr Thompson (central role)
William Fox,Estate Agent
Voice over (trailers)
Tanika - Best friend to Sade Adebanjo
Sandy's Mum
Bayo Adebanjo
Radio Presenter
Pastor Graham