Writer, director, producer Linzy Attenborough is hosting empowering screen acting workshops in London Bridge on Monday evenings.

Course dates & Times:

3rd December     6:30pm - 8:30pm

10th December    6:30pm - 8:30pm

17th December    6:30pm - 8:30pm


So and So @ the Bridge

4th Floor Capital House

42 Weston Street



The Workshop:

The workshop will empower actors to develop their own method of screen acting. Actors need to prepare an up to 60 second monologue. They will be filmed performing their monologue both as a Wide Shot and Close Up. We will watch this back and develop the piece through out the workshop until it is screen believable.

As you progress throughout the workshop we will expand to scenes with other actors and work on screen chemistry.

The concept is that you as the actor will be empowered to evaluate your own acting and we will define what is honesty on screen.

The cost of the course is £35 for one class or £95 for all three.

Link to book:

Linzy Attenborough trained to be an actor at the Arts Educational School, The Brit School of Performing Arts and Technology and Mountview Theatre School before discovering that her enjoyment stemmed from writing and Directing. In 2003 she retrained to be a filmmaker with Award Winning Production Company "Frame of Mind" in Bangalore, India.

Since 2003 Linzy has Written and Directed and Produced well over sixty films including documentaries and music videos for Make Poverty History in 2005. By 2006 Linzy was Producing Feature Films including her debut MAJOR HANA.

In 2007 and 2008 she made films for AVIVA PLC (Norwich Union, RAC), Sj Berwin, Transport for London, Latitude, RANK PLC (Mecca Bingo, Grovesnor Casinos), Montgomery Swan, Cable and Wireless and many more prestigious companies and directed, scripted and edited the DVD sold with the Apprentice Magazine, selling out over 100,000 copies.

Since 2008 to the present day Linzy has directed numerous music videos for talented artists; (Faroutproductions, The Flying Ties, The Cartel Records, Lemoy: The Siamese Empress, Nicole Blaze, The Yung Rydaz, Atheen Spencer, The Milestones and Tina Barrett to name a few) and many dramas from comedy to gritty realism. She has also worked as a Co-Producer and Assistant Director for Bollywood producers in the UK.

From 2014 till 2017 Linzy Produced a women's talk show called DKW (A Different Kind of Woman) which was broadcast on sky 203 every Sunday at 4pm. She built an audience and created content for over 150 episodes.

She has previously taught fillmmaking at Pinewood Studios and mentored at LAMDA. She directs commercials and has to get actors into role delivering in a short space of time.

Linzy's personal ambition is to create films that challenge audiences perception, encapsulating the genre fantasy realism. Her vision is to create a successful film studio producing thirty feature films a year.

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