TV Show directory - River City

River City is a Scottish soap opera, set in the fictional Glasgow suburb of Shieldinch. The show has run uninterrupted since it first aired in 2002.

The episodes run at 60 minutes long which is longer than most soap operas. Whilst extremely popular in Scotland (episodes regularly pull in over 500,000 viewers) the show does not air everywhere else in the UK, which means it is disqualified from a lot of soap awards (it is however available on iPlayer).

The show is broadcast on BBC Scotland and films in Dumbarton, near Glasgow. You can visit the set during the summer shooting hiatus.

A lot of our members have worked on the show and if you'd like to join Mandy members finding jobs on soaps like River City simply sign up.

Production Company: BBC

Year of Publication: 2002

Companies connected with this show


Connected mandy members

Jury Member
Fr. Domonic
Micky, Henchman
Supporting Actor
Salon Client
Line Producer
Art Department Assistant -Graphica
Russ Minto (Regular)
Assistant Editor