5th Avenue Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with 5th Avenue Theatre. If you are interested in working with 5th Avenue Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

One of the largest and most eminent theatre venues in the United States, the 5th Avenue has been the originating point for ten Broadway shows including MEMPHIS and HAIRSPRAY.

Connected mandy members:

2020, Bliss the Musical, Faye understudy (performed)/ Ensemble
5th Avenue Theatre
Dennis Bensie
Wig Master / Mistress
2019, over 30 productions, dresser and wig crew
Brynne Henry
Education Officer
2017, 5th Avenue Theatre Internship, Casting Intern
Rebecca Rowlett
Assistant Stage Manager
2015, Carousel, Production Assistant
Rebecca Rowlett
Assistant Stage Manager
2014, A Christmas Story, The Musical!, Production Assistant
2012, Elf, the Musical, Walter
5th Avenue Theatre, Seattle

5th Avenue Theatre Jobs

For details of known 5th Avenue Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information