Actors Temple

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The Actors’ Temple continues the quest for absolute authenticity in acting which began with Konstantin Stanislavski and led to the Moscow Arts Theatre, which in turn influenced The Group Theatre in America in the 1930s.

When The Group Theatre dispersed, Sanford Meisner continued this search and finally struck gold. Founded in 2002 and run by three actors, Mark Wakeling, Ellie Zeegen and Tom Radcliffe the training and production values of The Actors’ Temple make us the first acting company in the UK to truly carry on the development of these findings.

The Actors’ Temple is the largest community of independent actors in the UK with a shared ethos and technique. Our aim is to become the leading influence in dramatic film making in this country and to revive the tradition of the repertory theatre whereby company members continuously rehearse and produce plays.

Connected mandy members:

2012, Hamlet, Assistant Director/Stage Manager
The Crypt, St. Andrew's Church, Holborn, London
Olly Hewett
2012, Days of Wine and Roses, Joe
2012, As Is, Saul
2012, A Play, Maggie
2012, A BIT OLDER AND A LITTLE BIT TALLER, Restaurant Patron
Manlio Roseano
2012, A bit older and a little bit taller, Editor
Manlio Roseano
2012, A bit older and a little bit taller, Director
2012, A Bit Older and a Little Bit Taller, E girl
Julia Papp
2011, Uncle Vanya, Sofya
2011, True West, Austin
Julia Papp
2011, Spoon River Anthology, Elsa Werthman
2011, Hamlet, Bernardo, player
Law Ballard
2011, Hamlet, Player Queen
St Andrews Crypt, Holborn
Tim Duthrane
2011, Hamlet, Laertes
St Andrews Church Crypt, London
Gary Colman
2011, A Hug Away From Happiness, Various comic roles
2010, While the Cat's Away, Sally
The Actors Temple Studio 1
Law Ballard
2010, Uncle Vanya, Maria Vasilyevna
Delia Antal
2009, Underground Theatre, Nun
2009, Postman's Park, Sarah Smith
St Pancras Church Crypt

Actors Temple Jobs

For details of known Actors Temple vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Actors Temple Company, Actors Temple Productions, The Actors Temple, The Actors Temple Company