Arden Theatre School

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Arden Theatre School. If you are interested in working with Arden Theatre School or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Arden School of Theatre has a distinguished and successful history and is unique in the UK. We’re a theatre school, and also part of one of the largest colleges in the country.

Arden School of Theatre was established by The Royal Exchange Theatre. It was one of the first establishments in the UK to offer vocational, degree level theatrical courses. We continue to offer first class training in a stimulating environment.

Connected mandy members:

2013, Caucasian Chalk Circle, Azdak
The Arden
2012, Urinetown, Bobby Strong
NIcholls campus
2012, Urinetown, Hot Blades Harry
Nicholls Campus
2012, Twelfth Night, Curio
the Waterside theatre
2012, The Sound Of Music, Rolf
NIcholls campus
2012, Our House, Joe's Dad
Waterside Theatre
2012, Our House, Lewis
Waterside Theatre
James Smith
2012, Oh what a Lovely War, Multiple roles
2012, Les Miserables, Javert
Nicholls Campus
2012, Illyria, Maria Vargas
Royal Northen College of Music
Ryan Widdows
2012, Illeria, Conrad
2012, Happily Never After (Devised), Various roles
Waterside Theatre
2012, Happily Never After (devised), Various Roles
Waterside Theatre
2012, Daisy Pulls it Off, Monica
the Waterside theatre
Ryan Widdows
2012, Better Times, Constable
Waterside theatre
James Smith
2012, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Oberon
2011, Yerma by Lorca, Pagen Crone - Estella
The Waterside Theatre
2011, Yerma, Villager
2011, The Pirates Of Penzance, The Pirate King
Waterside Theatre
Ryan Widdows
2011, The Ash Girl, GluttonToad

Arden Theatre School Jobs

For details of known Arden Theatre School vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Arden School of Theatre, Arden School of Theatre (Manchester College), The Arden