Greenwich Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Greenwich Theatre. If you are interested in working with Greenwich Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Greenwich Theatre is now firmly placed at the heart of the local community, it is a significant player on the London theatre scene, and in our work with creative learning and new musical theatre we are now entering the national and international arena. With that kind of foundation, there can be no better way to celebrate our 150 year history than to look forward to an even brighter 150 more

Connected mandy members:

Nigel Barber
2015, You Bring Me Joy, Michael
Greenwich Theatre
Susan Winter
2015, Various projects, Project Manager
Greenwich Theatre
Lui Faulkner
Sound No.1 / A1
2015, Tommy, Sound Technician
Greenwich Theatre
Daniel Leman
2015, The who's tommy, Production lx and Follow spot
Greenwich theatre
Julia Saunders
2015, Red Riding Hood, Costume Maker
Greenwich Theatre
Michael Woods
Sound Designer
2015, Red Riding Hood, Sound Operator
Greenwich Theatre, London
2015, Macbeth, Lennox
Lily Howkins
2015, Jack and the Beanstalk, Choreographer / Assistant Director
Greenwich Theatre
Kate Maloney
Costume Maker
2015, Jack and the Beanstalk, prop costume maker
Claudia Bryan-Joyce
Production Assistant (PA)
2015, Jack and The Beanstalk, Deputy Stage Manager
Greenwich Theatre
2015, Jack and the Beanstalk, Mayor Boris
Greewich Theatre
Daniel Leman
2015, Greenwich theatre, Dept technical manager
Andrei Negresco
Assistant Stage Manager
2015, Elephants Graveyard, Lighting Board Operator
Greenwich Theatre
Nathan Long
Lighting Technician
2015, Casual Crew, Casual Technician
Greenwich Theatre
Kai Ring
2015, Blood Brothers, Edward
woodville halls
Lily Howkins
2014, Puss In Boots, Choreographer
Greenwich Theatre
Kate Malyon
2014, Puss in Boots, Princess Le Petit Filous
Greenwich Theatre
Kai Ring
2014, merry wives of windsor, nym
greenwich theatre
Ruth Calkin
2014, Jack and the Beanstalk, Puppetry Consultant
Greenwich Theatre
2013, THE CANNIBALS, Nick the Chef
Greenwich Theatre

Greenwich Theatre Jobs

For details of known Greenwich Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Greenwich Theatre Company