
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with MadCowFilms. If you are interested in working with MadCowFilms or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

My name is Martin Wells I am a Director, Editor and Producer of many different types of programme making. I do a lot of work for the UFC which is great fun. Take a look at the UFC see work and you will see what I mean. A lot of my work is promo work or short form programmes.

I do also work on long-form programmes from 1 of half hours to network series. Most recently teh serieis director for ITV Soccer Night. I have been working on web pre-rolls and internet multi-media video ads commercials and programmes. With lots of experience in multi camera directing, location directing, single camera directing, studio directing. I am also a very experienced self shooter using DV to HD.

Connected mandy members:

2016, Banter (Domestic Abuse Campaign), Anne
2016, B&Q Helpful Heroes, Young Couple
Colin Holt
2016, B&Q Colleagues - Helpful Heroes, Rafello Man
Marcus Samperi
Camera Operator
2015, Visa: Cross Border, Camera/MoVi Operator
Melanie Mesa
2015, Visa, Tourist
Joseph Harvey
Director of Photography
2015, Spooks - A Greater Good, Runner
2015, Before the Night, George (Lead)
Ian Pink
2013, Paddy Power, Removal Man
2013, nurofen, runner
Joseph Harvey
Director of Photography
2013, Mad Cow Films - Cheetos, Production
Lucy-Jane Quinlan
Actor, Singer
2013, Currys Ident, Scan-Tan Customer
Steve Wickenden
Actor, Singer, Entertainer
2013, Currys, Employee
2013, Currys, Techno Trousers Guy
Daniel Pettitt
Researcher (Junior)
2012, Ogilvy Recruitment Ad, Runner
Alessandro De Marco
Actor, Talent
2012, Google+ Hangout, Alex
2012, Eureka, Research Scientist
Jess Linn
Production Assistant
2012, BMW Olympic Shoot, Runner
2011, Welcome to the Family, Festival Goer
2011, Brothers Cider Advert, Extra
2011, Brothers Cider, Festival Dancer

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Alternative Company Names

Mad Cow Films