Met Film

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Met Film. If you are interested in working with Met Film or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Met Film is a unique organisation based in Ealing Studios, which comprises the UK's fastest growing film school, an award-winning feature film production company, a cutting-edge post-production facility and a highly successful creative agency.

The philosophy behind Met Film is to provide a synergistic working environment for emerging and established film industry professionals. Our businesses work within a virtuous circle - we train filmmakers, we make films and we provide filmmaking, post and creative services to other filmmakers and clients.

Connected mandy members:

George Hinson
2021, Losing weight, Composer
2021, Losing Weight, Sound Recordist
Ed Willey
2021, Lilah, 1st AD
Nitin Kumar
AD (3rd)
2021, Karizma, Director
2021, I Saw The Light, Main Role
Ed Willey
2021, I Like Your Purple Heart, Sound Recordist
Mariana Gkila
2021, Happy Never After, Dr. Beatrix Harper
Massimiliano D'Angelo
Script Supervisor
2021, Flatten the curve, Script Supervisor
2021, Flat Earthers, Paul
72 bishops Road London
Ed Willey
2021, Flat Earthers, 1st AD
Philip Gill
2021, Do you like it in the limelight ?, David Jones
Questors Theatre
Monika Saleh
Art Director
2021, Desiderata, Graphic Designer
Anna Fraser
2021, Demonsitting, Sara Blair
2021, Deep Clean, Maeve
Tip Cullen
2021, Deep Clean, Homeless man
Barbican Launderette
Monika Saleh
Art Director
2021, Chocolate Tronchetto, Production Designer and Costume Designer
London, United Kingdom
2021, Breach, Angel
Ed Willey
2021, BAD GUYS, Writer / Director / Producer
Monika Saleh
Art Director
2021, Authors of an Alternate Universe, Production Designer
London, United Kingdom
2021, 7, Agent-7

Met Film Jobs

For details of known Met Film vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Met Film School Productions, MetFilm Productions