Pell Mell Theatre Company

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Pell Mell is a brand spanking new theatre company based right in the heart on London. Concentrating on vibrant, kinetic theatre for audiences from the infantile to the elderly and everybody inbetween, from Sophocles to Shakespeare to Stoppard and back again, dragging dusty classics kicking and screaming into the harsh and brilliant light of day.

Committed to working with the finest emerging actors and directors Pell Mell seeks to create a safe environment that enables innovation and inspiration encouraging performers to engage fully with their text.

Connected mandy members:

Luke Jasztal
2015, Twelfth Night, Valentine
The Space
Valentini Kalpini
Stage Manager
2015, Twelfth Night, Stage Manager
The Space Theatre
2015, Twelfth Night, Sir Toby Belch
The Space
David Lenik
2015, Twelfth Night, Sebastian
The Space
2015, Twelfth Night, Maria
The Space
2014, The Duchess of Malfi, The Cardinal
New Diorama Theatre
Mike Archer
2014, The Duchess of Malfi, Castruchio / The Doctor
New Diorama Theatre
2014, The Duchess of Malfi, Bosola
The New Diorama Theatre
Kate Elliott
2014, The Duchess of Malfi, Julia
New Diorama Theatre
Nia Evans
Costume Maker
2012, The Rover or The Banish'd Cavaliers', Costume Maker
New Diorama Theatre
2012, The Rover, Clemene (Various Roles)
The New Diorama Theatre
2012, The Rover, Don Antonio
New Diorama Theatre
Gordon Kemp
Fight Director
2012, The Rover, Fight Director
New Diorama Theatre
Ben Keenan
Actor, Singer
2012, mid summer night's dream, oberon/theseus
new diorama theatre
Venus Raven
2012, Aphra Behn's "The Rover", Lighting Designer
New Diorama Theatre

Pell Mell Theatre Company Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Pell Mell