Polka Dot Pantomimes

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Polka Dot Pantomimes. If you are interested in working with Polka Dot Pantomimes or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Polka Dot Pantomimes is run by people who have been involved in the entertainment industry all their lives. With experience in West End productions, major UK tours, caberet shows and top class cruise entertainment.

Every year we strive to produce classic british pantomimes that entertain audiences throughout the UK. Our teams travel all over, to almost any sized theatre/studio venue, providing quality seasonal entertainment for audiences for all ages.

Since last year we have more than doubled the amount of productions we are producing and we hope for the future we can continue to produce many more throughout the length and breadth of the country.

Connected mandy members:

Jenny Skivens
Stage Manager
2013, Jack & the Beanstalk, CSM
South Holland Centre
2013, Cinderella (pantomime), Professional Dancer
Grays, Essex
Jules Richardson
Deputy Stage Manager
2013, Cinderella (Dir. Neil Couperthwaite), Assistant Stage Manager
Princes Theatre, Clacton-on-Sea
Christi Hetzler
Deputy Stage Manager
2013, Cinderella, DSM
Princes Theatre, Clacton-on-Sea
Kate Wilcock
Stage Manager
2013, Cinderella, Company Stage Manager
Grays Theatre
Sarah-Louise Mutton
Assistant Stage Manager
2013, Beauty and The Beast, ASM
The Secombe Theatre, Sutton
Nick Szewciw
Automation 1
2012, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Sound Op
Eleanor Dear
Stage Manager
2012, Sleeping Beauty, DSM
Blackfriars Arts Theatre
2012, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell
Boston Blackfriars Theatre
Ru Lambert
2012, Elves and the shoemaker, Director
Charles cryer theatre
Adam Ryan
2012, Cinderella, Dandini
Princes Theatre, Clacton-on-Sea
2012, Cinderella, Ensemble Member
Grantham Guildhall arts centre
Adam Parsons
Sound Engineer
2012, Cinderella, Sound Engineer
Grays Thames Side Theatre
2012, Aladdin pantomime, Princess Jasmine
South Holland Centre, Spalding, Lincolnshire
Phil Norton
2012, Aladdin, Wishee Washee
2012, Aladdin, Principle Dancer
Thameside Theatre
2012, Aladdin, Officer Ping
South Holland Centre, Spalding
Vicky Kennie
Deputy Stage Manager
2012, Aladdin, Deputy Stage Manager
South Holland Centre/ Stamford arts Centre
Caroline Shelley
Scenic Artist
2011, Various Pantomimes: Aladdin, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Scenic Artist
2011, Snow white and the 7 dwarfs, Herman the Henchman
Grantham Theatre Royal

Polka Dot Pantomimes Jobs

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