Salem State College

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Salem State College is a comprehensive, publicly supported institution of higher learning located 21 miles north of Boston. Salem State is a community of learners which, in light of its commitment to teaching, research, and scholarship, fosters the intellectual, aesthetic, and personal development of its members. In the service of the citizens of the Commonwealth and members of the larger global community, Salem State is committed to the discovery and transmission of knowledge.

To accomplish its broad based mission, Salem State adheres to the principle that quality teaching must be supported by the research and scholarship of its faculty. Recognizing the developmental needs of students, the college provides opportunities for personal growth through a variety of academic and student life programs, services, and other activities.

In order to provide the foundation for lifelong learning and development, each of Salem State's programs is grounded in the tradition of a liberal education. Because Salem State seeks to build a community that includes all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, it offers baccalaureate and graduate degree programs responsive to the needs of a wide spectrum of individuals as well as to the needs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. These programs are offered throughout the year and include day, evening, and weekend classes. Additionally, as a cultural, artistic, and educational focal point of the North Shore, Salem State is committed to providing diverse experiences, including a broad range of non-credit programs, for the benefit of the wider community.

Connected mandy members:

2004, Laundry and Bourbon, Elizabeth
2003, The Cradle Will Rock, Dauber
2002, The Snow Queen, Chills
2002, Can Thay Do That-Industrial, Kate
2001, The Taming of the Shrew, Bianca
2000, Playing For Time, Mala

Salem State College Jobs

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