
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Sandstorm. If you are interested in working with Sandstorm or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Since 1992 we have created a reputation for stunning film work and currently produce an average of 150 projects a year - with experience in a huge variety of disciplines we are always here to help you. If you need a comprehensive service; Sandstorm should always be your choice.

At Sandstorm we are passionate about media and go to great lengths to get the very best out of every project.
Our broad experience enables us to complete projects faster, on tighter budgets and to higher standards than anyone else in our field.
Watch our showreel, read our testimonials – then get in touch.

Clients include: Abbey . Nationwide . Zurich . NS&I . Diageo . BP . Castrol . ASDA . Sainsburys . Tesco . Q Park . Hilton . Moevenpick Hotels
Tomy . Vivid . Hornby . ODS . BCS (British Computer Society) . Film & Video Umbrella . Universal Pictures . Sony Pictures . Shaw Trust
EHS Brann . Kitkatt Nohr Alexander Shaw . Euro RSCG . WAA . Special Treats Productions . Done and Dusted Productions

Connected mandy members:

2021, Sandstorm Films, News anchor ( Green screen )
2020, Green Screen Shoot, Anchorman
Sandstorm Studios
2020, Air Wick, Woman
Laura Porta
2019, Air Wick Essential Oils TVC, Spanish Lead Role
Sandstorm, The Old Dairy, Badbury, Wiltshire, SN4 0EU
Jeremy Reece
2017, Toyota Internal Promo, Car dealer Craig
Dairy Studios, The Old Dairy, Badbury, Wiltshire SN4 0EU
2017, Toyota Hybred, Saleman
2017, Tech 21 - Training Film, Jeff
2015, Nationwide Branch Recruitment Film, Customer advisor
Magdalene Mills
Actor, Singer
2015, McVities Proud, Auntie
SandStorm Studios
Joseph Black
2015, McVitie's Proud, Dad
Sandstorm Studios
Henry Vinten
Camera Assistant
2015, inVisible, Self-Shooting Producer & Editor
2014, TRESemmé / X - Factor, Hair Stylist
2014, Tech21, Esme
2014, Tech 21, Business Man
2014, Beat Male Eating Disorder, Waitress
Henry Morris
2014, Beat - Male Eating Disorder Promo, Paul
2014, B.E.A.T Male Eating Disorder, Mike
2011, VC Australia, Police Inspector Jimmy Mackenzie
Doug Cooper
2011, VC Australia, Various
Lewis Green
2011, VC Australia, Various

Sandstorm Jobs

For details of known Sandstorm vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Sandstorm Media