Shoe String Filming

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Actor/Writer Alexandre Ross created shoe String Filming in 2006.

Being a professional actor Alexandre has a strong passion for performing and enjoys not only reading but also writing scripts. Alexandre began writing scripts in 2005 as a hobby whilst he was training as an actor in college. After submitting several plays to major London Theatres and receiving possible feedback, Alexandre decided to have a go of branching out into film (in writing terms). The style and format is obviously considerably different.

Alexandre began to write several short film scripts, finding it a nice change from theatre.

Alexandre decided to set up a film group. The idea behind the group being simply turning paper into film. Alexandre found out very quickly that not many filmmakers shared his views and demanded an vast amount of money just to film a short film.

Alexandre then decided to change his groups approach. Shoe String Filming, would now become a weekend film company, (allowing people the luxury to work during the week and follow their hobby at weekends) that offered people with little more than ambition and some training, the chance to not only work on new films and gain footage but also to network and promote themselves. All of our actors and crew will be advertised on the website along with our movies in a bid to raise everyone’s profiles.

After a few years of polishing scripts and recruiting people Alexandre finally began filming in 2009.

Copyright © [ShoeString Filming / Alexandre Ross] [March 2009]. All rights reserved

Connected mandy members:

John Rayment
2009, Who Are You? (Short Version), Dad
2009, Who Are You?, Robbie
John Rayment
2009, Who Are You (Full Version), Dad
Yvette Ross
2009, Family Trade, Director
2009, Family Trade, Father
2009, Family Trade, Alex
Yvette Ross
2009, Breeding In Essex, Director

Shoe String Filming Jobs

For details of known Shoe String Filming vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information